the most lasting and famous tune in western music

An effort to list all derivations and
interpretations of the famous theme La Folia
last update 30 June, 2024
This is by no means intended as a scientific approach of a musical phenomenon but merely as an easy way into the hidden world of La Folia collected by an amateur-musician/listener thanks to the active and valuable help of visitors.
symbolic portrayal of the Folia-imagination, violinist taken from a sculpture of the Strasbourg Cathedral, France (west portal, middle section)
Dedicated to the memory of my friend and co-editor of the folia-website
Werner Icking (1943-2001)
We will always miss you Werner
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thanks to everyone who contributed with facts, translations and advice, especially (in alphabetical order):
Massimo Agostinelli, Cyril N. Alberga, Gillian Alcock, Miguel d'Andrade Gomes, David Arditti, Luigi Attademo, Jan Bach, Gary Bachlund, Philippe Barraud, Arjen Bax, Marco Bazzotti, Witold M. Bartczak, Funda Baysal, Balázs Bencze, Aldo Bernasconi, Daniel Bernhardsson, Joseba Berrocal, Kléber Besson, Paul Bonner, Dr. A. Boroffka, Johan Borremans, Eugene C. Braig IV, Jose Bravo-Tejeda, Christian Brembeck, Bartlomiej Budzynski, Kay Burnett, Michael L. Carroll, Pierre Chantrenne, Alexandre Charitopoulos, Classica magazine Suomen Kuvalehti, Ennio Cominetti, Felipe I. Copaja, Jeffery Cotton, Jean-Pierre Coulon, Dick Crawford, David Crittenden, Eloy Cruz, Lamberto Curtoni, Diego Dall'Osto, Andrea Damiani, Dartmouth Library Catalog, Daniël De La Cuesta, Vincent Decleire, Michel Defise, Jefferson M. DeMarco, David Denniston, Jean Detheux, Paolo Dugoni, Arnaud Dumond, Lawrence Dunn, Lance Eccles, Ingrid Eckerman, Barbro Edlund, Victor Eijkhout, Richard Einhorn, Paola Erdas, Brad Erickson, Carlos Escalante, Pablo Escande, Eli T. Evans, Bill Falls, François Faucher, Manuel Ferre, Daniel Charles Foley, M.G. Foster, Antonio Frigé, Paulo Galvão, Gaudeamus Amsterdam Centre of Contemporary Music, Paul Geffen, Rijksarchief Gelderland, Angelo Gilardino, Agnes & Ralf Görißen, Reimund Grimm, J.A. Gruys, Wojciech Gurgul, Elizabeth Gutteridge, Frans Haagen, Jaap Hardy, Fred Hauptman, Elizabeth Heaton, Mario Herger, Alberto Hetman, Andree Hollander, Dell Hollingsworth, Reed. J. Hoyt, Jürgen Hübscher, Werner Icking (integrating sheet music), Emmanuel Istace, Paul Jansen, Grégoire Jeay, Tobias Jenny, Bryan Johanson, Karst de Jong, Theo Jorna, Bill Kilpatrick, André Klenes, Jan Knapen, M. Knezevic, Shang Ko, Thomas Königs, Ewald Kooiman for his wonderful Folia-lunchconcert, Kerri Kotta, Aart de Kort, Jonathan Kulp, Dennis Kwasniok, Viviane Lamarlère, Andrea Lausi, Mary-Paule & Jean-Philippe Lerat, Heikki Levanto, Sonja Lehtonen-Ayikar, Library of Congress Catalogs, Daniel Lippel, Margaret Little, Mark Longaker, Wulf Dieter Lugert, Sigfrid Lundberg, Mark Machina, Giovanni Majer, Mikel Maron, Mario Martinoli, Thomas Matyas Peter Maydew, Rubén Fernández Mendoza, James Merryweather, Dirk Van Miert, Sylvie Minkoff, Rocky Mjos, Darío Moreno, Greg Motlasz, Mark Moya, Bert Mulderij, Musée Auguste Grasset de Varzy, Abel Nagytothy-Toth, Nicola Nicolis, Peter van Nieuwkoop, Frederick Noad, Evgeny Novikov, Torsten Nowicki, Rachel Nusbaumer, Anne-Marie O'Farrell, Ruth Olmedilla, Matanya Ophee, Yehuda Oppenheimer, Osuna, base de datos de música antigua/oude-muziek databank, Giorgio Pacchioni, John Pacheco, Werner Partner, Marcela Pavía, Harry Payúta, Ian Peaston, Carlo Pedini, Joop Peeneman, Carlo Pessina, James Phan, John Phillips, Anthony St. Pierre, Luc Pilartz, Stephen Pine, Roberto Pinciroli, Barnaby Priest, Evelyn J.L. Puefken, Public Library Amsterdam, Paul Reale, Gérard Rebours, drs. mw. W.T. Resida, Pepe Rey, Francesco Ricci, John A. Rice, Helmut Richter, Luc Rombouts, Mathias Rösel, Kristian Oma Rønnes, Kees Rosenhart, Bev Ross, R. Rossetti, Jonathan David Rothschild II, Jean-Michel Roudier, Hiroaki Sai, Toyohiko Satoh, Donald Sauter, Carmen B. Schmersahl, Hélène Schneider, Henry Schoen, Kees Schoonenbeek, Birgit Schwab, Valentín Serrano, Tom Shaw, Ella Sheriff, William Thomas Sherman, Laurie Shulman, Andrew Siegel, Don Simons, Trudi Van Slyck, Marc Smeets, Eyal Streett, Heidi Snyder, David W. Solomons, Robert Stahlbock, M.J. Starke, Jim Stevenson, Andrew Stiller, Strasbourg Cathedral (west portal, middle section), Marlo Strauß, George (Jiri) Svoboda, The Sweelinck Conservatory Amsterdam, Thomas Synofzik, Sylvie Taussig, Ken Thompson, Helmut M. Timpelan, Robert Tifft, Robert G. Trussell, Johan Tufvesson, Francesco Turrisi, University of California (Melvyl library system), Petri Vähätalo, Michel Van de Maele, Herman Vandecauter, Clarita Verbeek, Alain Veylit, Paco Villanueva, Margarita Viso Soto, Tomas Vitek, Johan Vos, S. Walsh, Tony T. Warnock, François-Emmanuel de Wasseige, Aurelia Weiser, Matthew Charles Weiss, A. Wenstedt, Bret Werb, Fred Weyman, Ken Whitcomb, Erik Wiberg, Edgar Witteveen and Christopher Young

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page started July 1997,
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