La Folia diaspora

appearing in chronological order with hyperlinks

If Western Europe, stretching from Portugal in the south to Sweden and Finland in the north, is the historical center of gravity of the birth and rise of the later Folia theme, it will not come as a surprise that lots of composers outside this area also embraced this musical theme. In this chapter an overview of only the more remote areas is shown in chronological order of appearance. My apologies to exotic resorts, but the place of birth of a composer is considered of no importance if he got his education elsewhere and composed in a completely different environment. So no Manuel Ponce (Mexico) who composed his Folía variations in France or Vangelis (Greece) who made England his second home.
Can you discern any patterns? I am afraid modern technology has had a devastating effect on traditional ways of cultural transmission.

Thanks to Mikel Maron and his webtools at

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